My Earth Hour pin last 2009.
I'm proud to say that I have been participating in the Earth Hour for 4 years now. I started on 2009. It's supposed to be 5 years, but my sister and I got knowledge of it last 2008 just 2 days after the actual Earth Hour! Anyway, did you know that I especially made a separate blog for my Earth Hour rants? Check out It also contains some of my adventures. Sadly, I have abandoned that blog and placed everything in this blog.
To celebrate my achievement, I shall chronicle my posts here. The following are my blog posts about my Earth Hour participation every year, since 2009.
- Earth Hour 2009
- Earth Hour 2010
- Earth Hour 2011
- Earth Hour 2012 is this blog post. You don't say?
circa 2009 - OMG! We're so young!
Closer look.
circa 2009
Mama was with me during Earth Hour, but she was sleeping! It's the first Earth Hour where I did not go out of the house to check our neighbors' lights and the lights of the city across. I was bored! So I played with my phones and the camera. Then after a few seconds, I was laughing by myself. I even woke Mama up because of it.
my playmates Kobe Bryant and G-Dragon, uhm, I mean, my phones
Looking forward to Earth Hour 2013! The world will not end on 2012, right? Since we don't want the world to end on 2012, let's do something for Mother Nature. Earth Hour is a call to do ways to help the Earth. Here are 10 things you can do for the environment.
That is great that you take the time to participate in this.
Thank you, Paps. Participating in the Earth Hour really gives me so much good feeling. :)
Deletethe halo halo really freshen up the day:)