Monday, November 29, 2010

He is 46 and I deeply pray for more

The greatest gift I ever had Came from God, and I call him Dad! 
-- Anonymous 

Happy Birthday to my ever beloved Papa! Thank you so much Lord for giving Papa another year to fulfill his purpose in life, to become the best father to us, to become the best husband he can ever be, to correct his mistakes, to become the best Barangay Chairman, and to become the best person to the entire humanity, and especially to You, Lord God.

I love my Papa so much. I am thankful everyday for all his hard-work. I may not see him everyday, nor communicate to him everyday, my love for my Papa is still as very deep and thick as I have loved him when I was a child. It doesn't change a tad. No matter how big the controversies and issues that arise, he is still my father, and I still treat him as the best father in the whole wide world.

I haven't seen my Papa for how many months, now. The last time we've been together was Summer. I haven't gone home, and did not go home last sembreak. He too, has not been able to visit us, and I understand. He is busy earning for a living. He is working very hard to support us, and I will always be grateful for that.

Everything is going to be alright.

Photo Credit to Father-Daughter.

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