Monday, August 24, 2009


i composed a poem when i was in 4th yr HS and i just wrote it on a 1/4 sheet of paper....because of my carelessness, i lost it....and so i was searching for the papers i used during enrolment, and blah blah..accidentally, i pulled out my mother's folder, full of pertinent papers and it all scattered on the floor, when i picked them up, i saw the WAMPORT(remember, get 1/4, wamport ma'am?...)....woohhoohh!!!and here's the lame poem i made....

A Father's Sacrifice

One night, from a battle of evil force, a father & two brothers, riding a car
Suddenly, a ten-wheeler truck from afar
Hits them and boom! windshield cracked & broken glasses
Their blood spattered as it crashes

The wrath of the menace brought havoc to the family
The father and the first son were hurt badly
The father healed quickly but the first son is soon to experience death
The second son felt a sense of grief, he can hardly breathe

The father drew a demon-summoning symbol
Lit candles and recited a prayer to make it double
He made a deal: do not let the reaper take the soul of his son
in exchange with the colt, a devil-exterminating gun

The devil agreed, but he is a devil; he's not contented
And so the first son's body and soul were united
The father whispered the first son a secret to be kept
The father died, and, the second son wept.

and that was the poem..i kinda don't like the way i wrote the poem, it was not really nice, but i love the story of the's actually based from the series, SUPERNATURAL, season 2, episode 1.....if you have seen the episode, you'd probably understand and internalize the essence of the poem..i even cried in this episode...huhuh..

Posted in Multiply on:
Oct 13, '08 12:45 AM

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