Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Inactivity

As you may have noticed, or as nobody have ever noticed, I've been inactive in blogging. It all started on summer, April (2009), to be more specific. I have declared it on somewhere that I won't be logging in on summer, and that I won't spend my time wasting sitting in front of the computer, and spend it instead on something more fun (I consider it my obligation to inform you that my most favorite part of the year is summer). Unfortunately, I wasn't absolutely able to spend it on more fun things and I won't narrate my summer story for this would take me so long. I've missed out so much when I vowed to that statement. It made me aloof, in some sense regarding to internet, though it made me amiable in internet-unrelated stuff, like interacting with my relatives. Life without internet is sort of boring, dare I say. That's in my own point of view, but I don't refer it generally, so don't send me death threats.
Summer's over, time to get back to my normal life, but I'm not saying that my summer life's not normal. I just meant that time to get back to my mediocre kind of life. You'll get it, don't beat yourself up, you're not dumb, I'm just ambiguous. By that time, I should be blogging again, right? I should be logging in on the sites where I've registered and have accounts on. Time to socialize with my friends online, or even friends in real life, which I can only contact online, since I don't like to load my phone. Yes, I've done those, but my blogging ability has ceased. I was too tired enough to post, my brain's too dull enough to think. So I entered plurk and twitter. It's easier there, just say something in 140 characters, and I'm off. I don't even stay in FB that much, my friends hate that side of me. I have placed myself in the box of tweets and plurks. Concentrated on visiting and reading Big Bang sites, watching and listening to Big Bang songs and MVs, and downloading most of them. I've been so out, so far, so hard to reach. I have the tendency to forget the important and fun things I have to remember. I'm just latent.
Yesterday night, I decided, I should get back to this. I should blog. I should fill my GIBBERISHGIBBERISH corner (don't be literal) with blogs, it doesn't have to be so beautifully made. I just have to make it as a journal of some kind. It may not be every day, but at least every week I can post a blog or two. This is the only site where I can manage to maintain and insert blogging in my hectic schedule, in my 2nd year college life, in the life where I should be responsible enough to be always chosen as the leader of the group (which I didn't ask for and abhor so much). This leads me to dream that I should also be featured in G-Dragon's What's Up The Leaders, with Teddy and CL. Sarcasm-much and ambitious-much! I just want to be with G-Dragon. Hush Hush now, I don't want to start with this, and end up weeping.
Hoping that my inactivity will end and have some bright future (like Jill, ssshhh) or soon. Smiles!

Posted in Multiply on:
Aug 24, '09 2:54 AM

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