Friday, August 28, 2009

lonely [GD's] baby

I'm alone in our house. I'm sad. I'm lonely. I'm in pain, emotionally. I've been alone for two days. No human entity is here, except me. I'm not alone the whole day(24 hours). My siblings and yaya are here in the morning and in the evening, but they all leave at around 6am, and come back at around 6pm, so I'm all by myself for 12 hours. I'm bored. BORED! I surf the net, watch tv, sleep, listen to Big Bang's 2nd Full Japan Album, listen to G-Dragon's Heartbreaker, eat, etc...My mother went to our genuine HOME, to be with dad for at least 10 days. It's our school's Intramural week. Next week's my sister's, so mom grabbed the opportunity to go HOME. [I miss her, I miss dad].
School's boring, too, no big bang fret (8DL), no acafeelers [especially chrisia and bianca who we rarely hang out with], so I just stay at home. I'm supposed to have a photoshoot with my friends [meg, catherine, charmaine] yesterday, but I had severe headache, I'm anxious if I have migrain. Oh GOD, please no.
Today, I know I'll not be bored. I'll be ecstatic. It'll be fun. We're going to Meg's house, with Achellie, Catherine, and Leslie [the bestest friends ever]. We're all gay (used equivocally, the gay-pervert, the gay-happy. LOL).
The lonely GD's baby, won't be lonely no more. All I need is LOVE, GD's love.

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